Clan System
- Choose from up to 3 different clans on the server: Eclipse, the holy warriors of Messiah. Kindred,
the mutinous cut-throats of Reaper and Shai'tan. Chimaera, the so-called Fence Sitters of Neutrality and Nature.
- One leader and two recruiters are hard-coded into the server. Magical rings give them their powers (a host
of ability bonuses and the ability to recruit and loner individuals in and out of the clan). The leader may choose his
two recruiters at will. The leader can choose to pass on his ring to a successor, and there is always the risk of mutiny!
- Each clan gets a starting clan hall that can be upgraded. Every hall comes with one merchant,
a portal room, a lounge, and a moat with goons ready to defend the hall from attack. The leader (often with the help
of his other clan members) can buy improvements to the merchant, add new portals to the portal room, and upgrade the goons
with innate bonuses and equipment from around the world.
- Clan halls are some of the only places you can rest and regenerate, besides town Inn's and campfires. They
can be broken by enemy clans and invaded. Dgoons are extremely weak, and can be killed easily, but as the
clan upgrades them, they can become very, very powerful. It may well take a small army to defeat fully upgraded
goons. The clan halls are also the only locations where you can find a Divining Pool, a special pool bestowed unto mortals
by the DMs that shows the location of every player online.
- Members can be kicked out of clans and become loners if they break rules, by the descretion of the leadership
of that clan, or they may loner themselves at the clan altars. New characters are loners upon creation.
Recall and Recall while cursed
Players can use their recall stone to transport them to recall, which is located in the center of Shandalar.
This will be very important during player vs player combat, or when escaping powerful creatures. Especially if
it means saving you from death.
The chance of recall working while in combat is less than normal, and has a high chance of failing.
The curse spell stops the recall ability completely to help enhance player vs player combat.
Killer Flags
Killer flags are your standing with the law. If you kill an innocent player, you will receive a Killer Flag.
If a member of the Defender faction sees you attacking an innocent player, you will receive a Killer Flag. Players with
Killer Flags are attacked by Defenders on sight.
You do not receive a Killer Flag for killing someone who has a Killer Flag.
- Buy up to twelve different mercenaries from the shop in Shandalar.
- Come in varying degrees of prices, but gain moderately effective abilities and traits as you buy the better ones.
- Right now only mephits may be bought. In the future different mercenaires will be made availible in both Shandalar
and around the world.
The basic crafting system is complete, with over a dozen items already added and more added with
each new area. The mechanic is simple and works like this:
-Certain combinations of items are brought together by a blacksmith to yield a Craft Item.
-Recipes hidden around the world in items and descriptions hint at or give the items necessary to
make Craft Items.
-A payment of gold goes to the blacksmith for every craft item attempt, and as skilled as the smiths
on Dominia are, success is not guarunteed. In general, the more powerful the Craft Item, the higher the cost and higher
the chance of failure.
-All Craft Items are much more powerful than their components, and often some of the best equipment
in the world.
**There are special rules regarding Craft Items and Craft Item Recipes, found on the Read Me online**
- Remorts are special reincarnations of a given race that grant it further power.
- Each race has between 3-5 remorts, all of them vary in their both appearance and bonus.
- All remorts gain certain bonuses. Ex: Trolls have the incredible ability to regenerate injuries in combat faster than
any other race.
- Along with a wide variety of bonuses, each remort also has a very specific vulnerability. Ex: Gargoyles have
a vulnerability to acid. Also, some of the large remorts are hindered in their movements capabilities, this is usually
countered by their incredible strength otherwise.
- You must be level 20 or higher to remort. You must attain enough Quest Points to buy a key from the Immortals
that opens the mystical gate of the Ethereal Realm.
- Once you remort, you are set back to level 1. You cannot remort twice.
Remort Information